Wednesday, March 8, 2017

March 9th - Pranks

CLICK HERE to read blogs form students around the world

Welcome to the Logan School for Creative Learning's - March Slice of Life Challenge Blog! The Logan School is in Denver, Colorado and the students are in grades 6-8. This is the fourth year for Logan students to participate in the SOLSC (Slice Of Life Story Challenge)! Look in the comments to find the links to the students' blogs each day. Also, the sidebar of the blog has links to each blog. We are excited to begin these daily blogs and see where our writing takes us! Please read their blog posts and provide encouraging feedback in the comments section of their posts. Thank you in advance.

Each day, these posts will provide a prompt that can be used if inspiration is lacking. They can be used any day of the challenge. Below are thirty-one prompts that can be used or added to the "Heart Maps" that students created before the challenge began. Good luck and Happy Slicing!  See below for "The Code" and instructions!

Today's Prompt: What is the best prank you have ever been a part of, on either side?

Here's the code to link up!
<a href="url">text</a> 

In the comments below:
1. Replace the url (keeping the quotation marks) with the link to your blog post. Make sure to go to the page of your blog post first before coping the address.
2. Replace text with the title of your blog post.


  1. Whistles, Part 2
    Much shorter and with more pencil sharpeners.

  2. New Units Posted late for the first time in four years. But I had a great dinner and conversation with an old friend so it was worth it.

  3. Cleaning For Olivia who continues to have posting problems :(

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


  5. Fun facts you did not know about me

    sorry, I was having trouble connecting my link yesterday hope this works. I have had this posted since yesterday but have not been able to link it.


  6. Fun facts you did not know about me

    sorry, I was having trouble connecting my link yesterday hope this works. I have had this posted since yesterday but have not been able to link it.
